[[#listing]] (:template defaults order=title:) (:if ! equal {<$Name} {=$Name}:) >>listing<< !!!!!%floatlist%{Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:busname}%% %newwin%[[Profile/{=$Name} | (:if ! equal "{Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:honor}" "":){Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:honor} (:if:){Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:first} {Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:last}(:if ! equal "{Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:suffix}" "":), {Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:suffix}(:if:)]] {Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:skills} >><< [[#listingend]]
[[#titlecount]] (:template defaults order=title:) * [[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]] [-%color=#ccc%((:pagelist link={=$FullName} fmt=count wrap=none:))%%-] [[#titlecountend]]
[[#testform]] (:input pmform target=testform :) (:input default source={*$FullName}-Draft,{*$FullName} :) (:input default request=1 :) (:messages:) || Name:||(:input text $:name size=25 :) || || Email:||(:input text $:email size=25 :) || (:input submit post Save:) (:if auth admin:) (:input submit postdraft "Save draft":) (:else:) (:input hidden postdraft 1:) (:if:) (:input end:) * '''{*$FullName}''': Name={{*$FullName}$:name}, E-mail={{*$FullName}$:email} * '''{*$FullName}-Draft''': Name={{*$FullName}-Draft$:name}, E-mail={{*$FullName}-Draft$:email} [[#testformend]] [[#testpost]] (:template defaults savevars=$:name,$:email :) [[#testpostend]]
Primary email form on website
[[#maillistform]] (:template defaults successpage='' :) (:input pmform target={$$target} successpage={$$successpage} :) (:input default request=1:) >>red<< (:messages:) >><< %comment% $[Subject]: (:input text Subject size=30:) (:input text name Name size=30:)\\ (:input text email Email size=30:)\\ Comments (optional):\\ (:input textarea comments rows=5 cols=30:)\\ Enter code: {$Captcha} (:input captcha:) (:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':) (:input end:) [[#maillistformend]]
[[#maillistpost]] (:template require name errmsg="$[Please enter your name]" :) (:template require Subject match="" errmsg="$[Please leave the subject field blank]" :) (:template require comments errmsg="$[Comments required]" :) (:template requires if="captcha" errmsg="Please re-enter the message code" :) Request to join the email list from: Name: {$$name} Email: {$$email} {$$comments} ========== Sent via {$$PageUrl} [[#maillistpostend]]
[[#sitemap]] (:template first {=$Group}:) :[[{=$Group}/]] /: (:template each:) : :(:if equal {=$Group} "Profile":)[[Profile/{=$Name}|{Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:first} {Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:last}]](:elseif matchstring '/Events\.2(.*)?-(.*)/' '{=$FullName}':)[[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced} - {(ftime "%A, %B %d, %Y" {=$Name})}]](:else:)[[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]](:if:) [[#titlespacedend]]
[[#titlespaced]] (:template defaults order=title:) * (:if equal {=$Group} "Profile-Data":)[[Profile/{=$Name}|{=$:first} {=$:last}]](:elseif matchstring '/Events\.2(.*)?-(.*)/' '{=$FullName}':)[[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced} - {(ftime "%A, %B %d, %Y" {=$Name})}]](:else:)[[{=$FullName}|{=$Titlespaced}]](:if:) [[#titlespacedend]]
[[#catinclude]] (:template first:) !!!!!*[[{=$FullName} | {{=$Group}-Data/{=$Name}$:honor} {{=$Group}-Data/{=$Name}$:first} {{=$Group}-Data/{=$Name}$:last}]] (:include {=$FullName}:) (:template ! first:) ---- !!!!!*[[{=$FullName} | {{=$Group}-Data/{=$Name}$:honor} {{=$Group}-Data/{=$Name}$:first} {{=$Group}-Data/{=$Name}$:last}]] (:include {=$FullName}:) [[#catincludeend]]
Listing the host for the event's month
[[#eventhost]] [[{=$FullName} | {Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:first} {Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:last} {Profile-Data/{=$Name}$:suffix}]] [[#eventhostend]]
Picking out this month's host
[[#currenthost]] '''Host for {(ftime "%B")}:''' \\(:if ! equal "{Profile-Data.{Members/Hosts$:{$Month}}$:pic}" "":) %width=100pct%Attach:Profile./{Profile-Data/{Members/Hosts$:{$Month}}$:pic}\\(:if exists Profile-Data.{Members/Hosts$:{$Month}} :) [[Profile/{Members/Hosts$:{$Month}} | {Profile-Data/{Members/Hosts$:{$Month}}$:first} {Profile-Data/{Members/Hosts$:{$Month}}$:last} {Profile-Data/{Members/Hosts$:{$Month}}$:suffix}]] (:else:) To be announced. (:ifend:) [[#currenthostend]]
Attempt at profile "sidebar"
[[#profside]] :[[Profile/{=$Name}|{=$:first} {=$:last}]] - {=$:busname}:{=$:phone} {=$:email} {=$:skills} [[#profsideend]]
A simple bullet list of page titles.
[[#next]] (:template defaults order=title:) [[{=$FullName} |Next Meeting: ''{(ftime fmt="%A, %B %d, %Y." when={=$FullName})}'']] (:if auth edit:) %newwin%[[{=$FullName}?action=edit|%red%e%%]](:ifend:) [[#nextend]]
A simple bullet list of page titles.
[[#titledate]] (:template defaults order=title:) * {(ftime fmt="%B %d, %Y (%A)" when={=$FullName})} - [[{=$FullName}|+]](:if auth edit:) %newwin%[[{=$FullName}?action=edit|%red%e%%]](:ifend:) [[#titledateend]]
The "Subject" line is a honeypot. It's a fake hidden field that spambots will fill in and the form will be rejected. In case of real person using an alternative non-CSS browser, an error asking "Subject" to be left blank comes up with the rest of the form filled in. They just need to re-submit the form.
[[#consultform]] (:template defaults successpage='' :) (:input pmform target={$$target} successpage={$$successpage} :) (:input default request=1:) >>red<< (:messages:) >><< %comment% $[Subject]: (:input text Subject size=30:) ||width='' || Name*:||(:input text name size=30:) || || Company:||(:input text company size=30:) || || Website:||(:input text website size=30:) || || Address:||(:input text address size=30:) || || City:||(:input text city size=30:) || || State:||(:input text state size=30:) || || Zip:||(:input text zip size=30:) || || Phone*:||(:input text phone size=30:) || || Fax:||(:input text fax size=30:) || || Email*:||(:input text email size=30:) || Project Description*:\\ (:input textarea descr rows=8 cols=60:)\\ Enter code: {$Captcha} (:input captcha:) (:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':) (:input end:) [[#consultformend]]
[[#consultpost]] (:template require name errmsg="$[Please enter your name]" :) (:template require phone errmsg="$[Please enter your phone number]" :) (:template require email errmsg="$[Please enter your email]" :) (:template require Subject match="" errmsg="$[Please leave the subject field blank]" :) (:template require descr errmsg="$[Project Description required]" :) (:template requires if="captcha" errmsg="Please re-enter the message code" :) The LICN website has gotten a request for a consultant. Here's the information submitted: Name: {$$name} Company: {$$company} Phone: {$$phone} Email: {$$email} {$$descr} --- Other Details: Website: {$$website} Address: {$$address} {$$city} {$$state} {$$zip} Fax: {$$fax} [[#consultpostend]]
[[#profile]] (:template defaults order=$:last:) * [[Profile/{=$Name}|{=$:first} {=$:last}]] [[#profileend]]
[[#bycompany]] (:template defaults order=$:busname:) :[[Profile/{=$Name}|{=$:busname} - {=$:first} {=$:last}]]:{=$:phone} {=$:email} {=$:skills} [[#bycompanyend]]
Primary email form on website
[[#mailmeform]] (:template defaults successpage='' :) (:input pmform target={$$target} successpage={$$successpage} :) (:input default request=1:) >>red<< (:messages:) >><< %comment% $[Subject]: (:input text Subject size=30:) ||width='' || Name:||(:input text name size=30:) || || Phone:||(:input text phone size=30:) || || Email:||(:input text email size=30:) || $[Comments]:\\ (:input textarea comments rows=8 cols=60:)\\ Enter code: {$Captcha} (:input captcha:) (:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':) (:input end:) [[#mailmeformend]]
[[#mailmepost]] (:template require name errmsg="$[Please enter your name]" :) (:template require Subject match="" errmsg="$[Please leave the subject field blank]" :) (:template require comments errmsg="$[Comments required]" :) (:template requires if="captcha" errmsg="Please re-enter the message code" :) Name: {$$name} Phone: {$$phone} Email: {$$email} {$$comments} ========== Sent via {$$PageUrl} [[#mailmepostend]]
To email your RSVPs in
[[#rsvpmailform]] (:template defaults successpage='' :) (:input pmform target={$$target} successpage={$$successpage} :) (:input default request=1:) (:messages:) %comment% $[Subject]: (:input text Subject size=30:) ||width='' || Name:||(:input text name size=30:) || || Phone:||(:input text phone size=30:) || || Email:||(:input text email size=30:) || $[Comments]:\\ (:input textarea comments rows=8 cols=60:)\\ Enter code: {$Captcha} (:input captcha:) (:input submit name=post value='$[Send]':) (:input end:) [[#rsvpmailformend]]
[[#rsvpmailpost]] (:template require name errmsg="$[Please enter your name]" :) (:template require Subject match="" errmsg="$[Please leave the subject field blank]" :) (:template require comments errmsg="$[Comments required]" :) (:template requires if="captcha" errmsg="Please re-enter the message code" :) Name: {$$name} Phone: {$$phone} Email: {$$email} Regarding {$$PageUrl} {$$comments} [[#rsvpmailpostend]]
The form for inputting profile information
[[#profileform]] (:input pmform target=profileform :) (:input default source=Profile-Data.{$Name}-Draft,Profile-Data.{$Name} :) (:input default request=1 :) (:messages:) ||width=100% || [[#form|First Name%poptip%required%%]]: (:input text $:first size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Middle Initial%poptip%optional%%]]: (:input text $:initial size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Last Name%poptip%required%%]]: (:input text $:last size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|AKA%poptip%nickname, alternative name, optional%%]]: (:input text $:aka size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Title%poptip%i.e. Dr., Prof. Optional%%]]: (:input text $:honor size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Credentials%poptip%credentials, optional%%]]: (:input text $:suffix size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|[-Business Name-]%poptip%optional%%]]: (:input text $:busname size=25 :)|||| [[#form|[-Corporate Logo Filename-]%poptip%enter the file name should be @@FLast_logo.end@@ where @@FLast@@ is your username, and ''.end'' can be a .jpg, .gif, or .png file%%]]: (:input text $:logo size=25 :)|||| [[#form|[-Headshot Filename-]%poptip%enter the file name should be @@FLast.end@@ where @@FLast@@ is your username, and ''.end'' can be a .jpg, .gif, or .png file%%]]: (:input text $:pic size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|Street1%poptip%Company/publishable street address or PO Box, optional%%]]: (:input text $:street size=25 :)|||| |||| [[#form|[-Home Street-]%poptip%Home street address or PO Box, optional%%]]: (:input text $:home size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|Street2%poptip%Company suite, department, etc., optional%%]]: (:input text $:street2 size=25 :)|||| |||| [[#form|[-Home Street2-]%poptip%Home apartment, suite, department, etc., optional%%]]: (:input text $:home2 size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|City%poptip%recommended%%]]: (:input text $:city size=25 :)|||| |||| [[#form|Home City%poptip%recommended%%]]: (:input text $:hcity size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|State%poptip%recommended%%]]: (:input text $:state NY size=25 :)|||| |||| [[#form|Home State%poptip%recommended%%]]: (:input text $:hstate NY size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|Zip%poptip%recommended, use ZIP+4 if using full address.%%]]: (:input text $:zip size=25 :)|||| |||| [[#form|Home Zip%poptip%recommended, use ZIP+4 if using full address.%%]]: (:input text $:hzip size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|Phone%poptip%landline, office phone, optional%%]]: (:input text $:phone size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Mobile%poptip%mobile, cell, text number, optional%%]]: (:input text $:mobile size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Fax%poptip%optional%%]]: (:input text $:fax size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|Public Email%poptip%required, public, will be published%%]]: (:input text $:email size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Email2%poptip%optional, private, for members' contact list, if different%%]]: (:input text $:email2 size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Email3%poptip%optional, for referrals list, if different%%]]: (:input text $:email3 size=25 :)|||| || [[#form|Website%poptip%optional, your own site%%]]: (:input text $:website size=25 :)|||| [[#form|LinkedIn%poptip%Log in to Linkedin, click your profile picture in the top right of the screen. Your link is directly under your profile picture on your profile and will look like: ''''''. Copy & paste it here, make sure it starts with something like "http://"%%]]: (:input text $:linkedin size=25 :)|||| [[#form|LICN Office%poptip%If you hold an LICN office, put the title of your office here.%%]]: (:input text $:position size=25 :)|||| [[#form|Skills List%poptip%Optional. Keep it brief and to the point, this is used in the web directory. Arbitrary field to list or describe your skills. Be specific, this is not the IEEE skill matrix.%%]]:\\ (:input textarea rows=5 $:skills :) [[#form|Description%poptip%The first paragraph up to 150 words will be used in the printed directory, so make it top-heavy like a newspaper article. Arbitrary field to list or describe you and/or your business. Describe your ideal client, credentials, a testimonial, etc. For bullets please use an asterisk at the beginning of each line (*), for auto-numbering use # instead. %%]]:\\ (:input textarea rows=5 $:longdesc :) (:input submit post Save:) (:if auth admin:) (:input submit postdraft "Save draft":) (:else:) (:input hidden postdraft 1:) (:if:) (:input end:) [[#profileformend]]
[[#profilepost]] (:template defaults savevars=$:pic,$:logo,$:aka,$:busname,$:city,$:email,$:email2,$:email3,$:fax,$:ieeenum,$:first,$:hcity,$:home,$:home2,$:hstate,$:hzip,$:initial,$:last,$:linkedin,$:mobile,$:phone,$:position,$:state,$:street,$:street2,$:suffix,$:website,$:zip,$:skills,$:longdesc,$:honor :) [[#profilepostend]]
The previous/next trail at the top of member profiles
[[#grouptrail]] (:template each:) (:if equal {*$FullName} {=$BaseName}:) %wikitrail right%[-[[{<$BaseName}| « {{<$Basename}$Titlespaced} ]] | [[Consultants/ByName|Member Profiles]] | [[{>$BaseName}| {{>$BaseName}$Namespaced} » ]]-] (:ifend:) [[#grouptrailend]]
This is the form that RSVP's on the event page.
[[#rsvpform]] (:input pmform target=rsvp :) (:input default request=1:) (:input default anchor "I'll be there.":) (:input default author "{$Author}" :) '''Please RSVP for the event:''' >>red<< (:messages:) >><< %comment% $[Subject]: (:input text Subject size=30:) Name: (:input text author:) ||width=50% ||(:input radio anchor "I'll be there." :) Yes ||(:input radio anchor "I can't make it.":) No ||(:input radio anchor "I might be there.":) Maybe || (:input submit post "Submit":) (:input end:) [[#rsvpformend]]
[[#rsvppost]](:template defaults where=bottom :)(:template require author errmsg="$[Missing name]":)(:template require author match="-*:*,-*@*,-*<*,-*>*" errmsg="Please just enter your name.":)(:template require Subject match="" errmsg="$[Please leave the subject field blank]" :)*"{$$anchor}" ~{$$author} [[#rsvppostend]]